
校友故事:Maisie Schloss(09年视觉艺术)


麦茜·施洛斯(视觉艺术, 2009) knew that she wanted to be a fashion designer from a young age and recalls the influence that old runway videos had on her in the early 2000s. Her love for visual arts brought her to The Academy as a sophomore, where she was able to fully envelop herself in the arts with a newfound sense of independence 和一个rtistic freedom.

毕业后, Maisie’s love for fashion design took her to New York City where she studied at Parsons School of Design. 大学毕业后很快, Maisie moved across the country to Los Angeles where she began working for Yeezy and later launched her own label called 梅齐Wilen

Maisie is now a Council of Fashion Designers of America Rising Star, 纽约时装周的设计师, 和一个 《大发彩票平台》 30位30岁以下艺术家. She has been making waves in the fashion industry since her time at The Academy. 

Read more about Maisie’s time at The Academy and her life post-Academy below. 


我主修视觉艺术,2009年毕业. I transferred in as a sophomore and it was a great experience for me. I felt really well served at the school; I felt connected to school in a way that I hadn’t before. It was a really encouraging place 和一个 place with so much creative exploration and development.

What was different about The Academy from other schools you had attended?

它真的很擅长培养每个人. Everybody has a really unique thing going and it’s really embraced and celebrated. 和典型的体验相比, it’s a lot of people who have vision and direction and really love to see that in others, 那真是太棒了.


毕业后,我去了帕森斯学院学习时装设计. 我在纽约生活了6年,包括上学的时间. I worked a few jobs there before relocating to LA where I started working at Yeezy and ultimately launching my own label. 太棒了. I went to The Academy knowing I wanted to be a Fashion Designer and I kept very consistently on my path, so it’s nice that I’ve been able to pursue that as consistently as I have. I’ve been in LA now for 7 years and have always either been studying art and design or working directly in it.

How do you think your time here at The Academy prepared you for college and post-college life?

Especially just the arts training – even at Parsons where they’re theoretically selective and I used a portfolio to apply – I felt very ahead going in. I felt like I was very good both with having learned some technical skills but also creatively understanding how to develop a concept. 我觉得 I had a bit of art college-adjacent experience before I even went in [to college]. It was definitely an easier and more seamless transition for me than my fellow students who had gone to more traditional high schools. 我刚进去的时候占了先机. 

学院真的允许你如此独立. 我觉得, 在传统高中, 你的一生都系在这个小泡泡上, 而(在学院)你被给予了很长的约束, 每个人都有独立的生活. You have an independence that helps when you transition to college. It’s less of a culture shock than people who come from really structured and regimented environments. 正是这种自由让我在学校感觉很舒服.

Can you go into the process of some of your recent showings and collections?

I run on a pretty atypical fashion schedule where I show a little less than most people; I show twice a year, which means every six months I get a whole new collection together. The hologram show (Fall and Winter 2022 Collection) was a collaboration with Yahoo, 这让我有了一个超级高科技的元素. 老实说,我是边走边学的. 他们只是说:“嘿, we have this really cool technology that can capture holograms” and I was like, “酷. 我想这么做. 我绝对想这么做.” It was at this insane studio they had in LA and I think there were 150 cameras around this green screen room – it looked so cool. 这比我以前做过的任何事情都更像是一次电影拍摄. 我们让模特们表演——我们让一个女孩假装哭, 我们让一些女孩对着镜头笑. 给出这样的方向也是全新的. It was such a unique experience and definitely a new way to present clothing. 

A common theme in my work is considering how technology can both affect the view of clothes as well as the creation of clothes. 我想那是因为, as someone who started looking at fashion in the 2000s and onwards, 我和它的关系一直都是数字化的. 我在电脑上和博客上看旧节目. 当然现在, with social media as the main way that we look at fashion and marketing, 人们看到彼此穿着衣服, and that digital sharing of clothing is such a huge element of why it’s created. 我喜欢思考如何以这种方式操纵设计.


这项工作从来没有萧条的时候. I am always simultaneously working on producing whatever I’ve just sold for large production and distribution while developing the next collection. I will have a new collection ready in February… I should be further along on it than I am, 但我正在努力, 所以没关系.  I have a collaboration with Keds coming out, which I’m very excited about. 我花了很长时间才做出来的. We are releasing 4 pairs of sneakers together and they will finally be available for sale, 我们将举行一个盛大的聚会来庆祝. 这是即将出现的下一件大事.

Maisie与Keds的合作于11月18日发布. 在这里查看独一无二的系列:

What is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming 视觉艺术 freshman and one piece of advice you would give to an outgoing 视觉艺术 senior?

对于即将到来的新生: 拥抱自由和独立,你可以在学院. It will help creatively; it will give you such a strong identity.

即将离任的长者: try to take that [freedom and independence] with you as much as possible, and try to keep having that true creative spirit as you continue on.