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卡内基梅隆大学、巴德大学、纽约大学、杜兰大学、耶鲁大学戏剧学院、库珀联盟大学. Academy graduates attend and thrive at the world’s best universities, colleges, and conservatories.

你可以在任何你能想到的职业中找到我们的校友. They dance in international companies, run galleries, play in orchestras—act in—and make films. They’re also attorneys, authors, risk analysts, fashion designers, bankers, nuclear physicists, entrepreneurs, and teachers.

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你是否有演出、展览或表演? 你想更多地参与奥斯卡吗? 我们想推广你的作品,分享你的故事! Fill out the form below and let us know.